
Information Use and Limitations of Liability

All information provided on this website is on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Use of this information does not replace or represent a client/accountant relationship. Information is not given as accounting advice and is not intended for use as complete educational material. Any tax information presented on this website is not intended for use in evasion of taxes or penalties. The reader accepts full responsibility for damages incurred through application of site content.

Accuracy of Information

We ensure to the best of our ability that the information presented on this website is accurate. Therefore, Li Hua CGA disclaims responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies that may occur. However, if an error is brought to our attention by a reader, we will make reasonable efforts to correct it. Information found in the “Accounting & Tax News” section of our site is date specific and therefore not guaranteed to be relevant to current tax policies.

Third Party Affiliations

Any links to third party websites or affiliations with other companies or persons do not legally bind Li Hua CGA to these parties. We assume no responsibility or liability for content presented on third party websites or any policy decisions made or actions taken by third parties.

Security and Server Use

We encrypt and protect all sensitive information on our servers to the best of our ability. However, if the security of our servers in compromised by a malicious program, person or virus we cannot guard against will not be held responsible for any damages. Li Hua CGA is not responsible for hardware maintenance and therefore cannot be held accountable for any disruptions of service due to server issues.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the webmaster: info@lihuacga.com